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Striker II

575 UPTOSPACE345  3.6 years ago

The year is 2030. The United States has fallen to a corrupt regeim, putting their people deep into hardship. A group of revolutionaries, however, rose up to fight this group, and by means of blitzkreig, compacted the corrupt nation up against its enemy, Canada, which hadn't fallen to corruption. 8 years later, and the victorious revolutionaries established their own county in the corpse of the USA, called Kaina. So was the way of the world, until finally, in 2056, the corrupt USA retaliated. Kaina was ready, though, with a fresh military and government. Their flagship fighters led the charge, raining chaos on the enemy. This is that fighter, the ACU Striker II.

Backstory aside, this is an interesting beast, given that the design evolved from a matchbox plane. It flies... Interestingly. Make sure to keep Act. 8 on, as that is the gyro, which is critical for maneuverability. The aircraft is equiped with state-of-the-art weapons. Up on the nose, it has 2 mounted laser weapons, operating via the machine gun trigger. Additionally, it uses an experimental weapon called a UVMPLS (Uncapped Velocity Magnetic Projectile Launching System), which can fire shells at an upwards of 100 km/s with no recoil. Finally, it has 2 Hardliner Mk II Multirole Guided Missiles tucked away in the fuselage, which are incredibly fast and accurate missiles capable of attacking air or ground targets with a 90 instant locking range. This aircraft, and all its weapons, are completely fictitious. Enjoy!

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 24.2ft (7.4m)
  • Length 19.6ft (6.0m)
  • Height 9.5ft (2.9m)
  • Empty Weight 8,045lbs (3,649kg)
  • Loaded Weight 10,745lbs (4,874kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.045
  • Wing Loading 55.6lbs/ft2 (271.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 193.2ft2 (17.9m2)
  • Drag Points 2354


  • Number of Parts 47
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 334