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FV Corp. 60(H)-1 Medium tank

14.0k TemporaryReplacement  8 months ago


The FV Corp. 60(Hull)-1 was a rapidly developed medium tank that would have the ability to house the HVT/T 75mm cannon, one that was desperately needed to fight off heavier Axis vehicles. The tanks were built on a modified version of the 60(H)-2 hull (most notably with an added 9.5mm hull machine gun), a casemate built as a temporary solution to the problem. This resulted in a cramped interior in early production 60(H)-1s, with the driver and radio operator sitting at an angle, and the loader turret crew sitting closely together. This was fixed in later models, improving the comfort, and therefore effectiveness of the crew. Crews of the 60(H)-1, well aware of the mediocre armor that also resulted from quick modifications to the 60(H)-2 hull, and a rapidly developed turret, would often weld add on armor to the hull front, and sides to act as extra armor, although it proved to only be effective against hand-held anti tank weapons. Despite these issues, the tank went through a multitude of improvements throughout its service life, keeping its spot as F Corp.’s main production tank for the war, with over 10,500 tanks being produced from 1942-1945 alone, with many more tanks made during post war years.


  • HVT/T 75mm Main cannon
  • 9.5mm LNM-1T LMG (Pintle mount)
  • 9.5mm LNM-1T LMG (Hull)
  • .30 cal M1919 (coax.)

Crew:5 (commander, gunner, loader, radio operator, driver)


Ag1 - Headlight
Ag2 - Park brake
Ag8(off) - crew hatches
Button on the commander’s mg activates it (center camera first)

Main gun/coax. - camera aim
Roof Mg - camera aim (not recommended to use with other hatches open)
Hull mg - camera aim

Movement - Pitch + Roll








  • *The main cannon is bugged and isnt 100% accurate (cause of the 2 clipped in eachother) but shots will still be relatively on target. Just aim slightly higher than usual and it should hit.

  • Tried to make a bit more of a complicated turret for this one, but uh, uhhhhhhhhh


  • pretty sure I said this in the 60(H)-2 post, but the armor actually armors unless you get hit by an explosive shell or a REALLY high damage basic shot

  • also probably said this before, but you can’t climb hills unless you have speed beforehand (like a running start) idk how to fix this, the tracks are kinda weird

  • I can’t think of anything else to say



General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 9.9ft (3.0m)
  • Length 21.7ft (6.6m)
  • Height 8.7ft (2.7m)
  • Empty Weight 15,276lbs (6,929kg)
  • Loaded Weight 16,097lbs (7,301kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 4537


  • Number of Parts 406
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,041