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Nissan Navara AWD Sports Car - Budderscotchtape Edition

301 szymongoldyn  4.6 years ago
Auto Credit Based on szymongoldyn's Nissan Navara Based FWD Sports Car (w Active Aero)

After making my 'Nissan Navara' and 'Nissan Navara Improved Suspension', I tried making some front wheel drive sports cars using the Navara platform and completely stripping it down. They were alright, they handled great and were pretty quick, however they had one one major floor: they looked SUPER UGLY. After uploading an improved version of one which featured my new 'Adaptive Aero', (which was designed to minimise under-steer), I had discovered that someone had made two successors to my Nissan Navara, one of which being a great looking sportyish one. From that I got an idea; what if I was to put the body of their 'Nissan Navara Stunt Boi' onto one of my sports cars? So I set to work, made it and then realised that the modded engine they used which I also re-used was too powerful! So what do I do? I re-all wheel drive it! This fetures my 'Adaptive Aero', my upgraded front Navara suspension and my finely tuned stability control (stability control is activated using activation group 1). Enjoy!

General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 246.3lbs/ft2 (1,202.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 30.9ft2 (2.9m2)
  • Drag Points 8560


  • Number of Parts 116
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 552