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210 Rio300  4 months ago
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Auto Credit Based on Rio300's BFJ-72-B30A

The corrected version. The systems include a tail stabilizer for high-speed flight... Stealth, as promised. Unfortunately, stealth is not implemented programmatically in the game, but... Don't forget to like it. There are five more versions ahead. Missile compartments on the sides, they are retractable. A compartment with a machine gun, a retractable compartment and the machine gun itself. The machine gun can be rotated synchronously with the nose camera and the camera of both pilots. In the central segment of the hull, which is under the screw, you can double the fuel. Note that the engines and compartments are controlled by the same control. Therefore, it is necessary to disconnect the compartments before controlling the engines. The air brakes are also controlled by the engine control and turn on after the engines are turned off. Further details on management: 1. The system of rotation of the pilots' cameras, nose and rotation of the machine gun. They are controlled by Brake. 2. Machine gun compartment. Controlled by Trim. Compartment descent and ascent, Trim. Extend the machine gun, inversion Trim. 3. Missile compartments. They are controlled by Trim. 4. Air brakes and landing gear systems are included. The air brakes are controlled by Inversion Trim. 5. Systems. 6. Accelerator engines. Trim control. 7. Engines, in the sense of the main rotor and tail rotor. 8. Chassis, chassis flaps. Taxiing Roll. As you can see, Trim management is heavily overloaded. So, the only option is to turn on its systems as needed. It seems difficult, but it's as simple as possible to control.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor BFJ-72-B30A
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 48.1ft (14.7m)
  • Length 70.4ft (21.5m)
  • Height 16.5ft (5.0m)
  • Empty Weight 15,945lbs (7,232kg)
  • Loaded Weight 23,328lbs (10,581kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 25.046
  • Wing Loading 101.4lbs/ft2 (495.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 230.1ft2 (21.4m2)
  • Drag Points 11015


  • Number of Parts 272
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 1,689

Required Mods

  • _Mechanical_Instrumentation by Gestour
    Version 1.5 (10/10/2020 6:35:26 PM)
    View Mod Page