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Mech warrior Prototype (New walking leg design)

9,165 Zyvx  5.6 years ago
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This new leg design let's you control each leg separately as well as walk with cruise control style. First switch to orbit camera so you can see the legs. vtol for left leg and trim for right.many ways you can get this to walk, the quick way is to move vtol or trim up, and when the leg is up move the other up. if he skips or doesn't walk straight, on even ground then you can try the easy but not so fast method. move vtol and trim all the way up, then move one down a hair, you will se him do crouching, skipping, then walking. You then quickly move the one down a hair, back up. if he walks straight and you see 13 mph or better you got him in synchronized walking. to fly, start small with 50 percent throttle, pitch and roll to steer. 40 to 45 percent throttle for a nice slow landing. if you fly higher and faster, landing will be like playing a lunar landing on simple rockets, apply thrust when needed to reach a gentle landing. with practice this becomes easy to use. enjoy

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 15.6ft (4.8m)
  • Length 13.3ft (4.0m)
  • Height 27.4ft (8.3m)
  • Empty Weight 8,384lbs (3,802kg)
  • Loaded Weight 10,719lbs (4,862kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.096
  • Wing Loading 2,655.7lbs/ft2 (12,966.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 4.0ft2 (0.4m2)
  • Drag Points 14669


  • Number of Parts 121
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 545
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    6,169 Spectre2520

    Just make sure that you don’t mess up the rotator functions
    And keep in mind that transforming thing will need more space for the rotation range and movements, so that when the rotator activate, things don’t crush together
    It happened to me lol @Zyvx

    5.6 years ago
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    9,165 Zyvx

    @Spectre2520 true, once I get this past the experiment stages I planned on doing a custom head, especially since the cockpits look nothing like Gundam's head. Thanks for the offer too. I started the individual leg controls idea also so they can line up for transformer purposes, a concept I may add to my transformer line. I will keep your offer in mind as I do plan on a detailed version of this. It might be by version 3 or 4 of this when I do a Gundam style, lol, do it Gundam style. It would fit the song. We just gotta see them mechs do the dance.

    5.6 years ago
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    6,169 Spectre2520

    The bigger the robot is, the easier to add details and hide rotators/pistons
    I’m thinking that you should make your own head instead of using a cockpit, so that it looks better and definitely the head has to be bigger than a cockpit because you’re going to fit the cockpit inside the head for cockpit view
    You can have my mini cockpit block here for the opportunity to have small head (I know that it sounds ridiculous)

    If you need any other modded part, tell me
    (I don’t know how to create one, but I have heck loads in my subassembly)

    5.6 years ago
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    9,165 Zyvx

    @Spectre2520 very true, I actually thought about making one that looks like a Gundam, I got a new version of this, big guns, wings etc, but still under testing and adding adjustments. If this one works well, I could modify it to look like Gundam. Thanks

    5.6 years ago
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    6,169 Spectre2520

    I have a feeling that this is inspired from a gundam, right?

    5.6 years ago