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Hillclimb Prototype

1,065 kooperOTIS  5.1 years ago
Auto Credit Based on kooperOTIS's Endurance racer

Slight evolution of what started as purely a suspension building exercise. Because the car is so heavy, I had to up the power to 2000hp, but it now features what I think is quite a lot of downforce and torque vectoring for the front wheels.
I tried to stay away from changing the tyre traction settings, though I did increase the rear tyres beyond the 150% max.

WAD for acceleration and steering, left Ctrl for braking, E for DRS-like effect, Q for airbrake-like effect, trim down for higher downforce and trim up for less. Works pretty well around Gold Prix circuit.

EDIT: Oh yes, F5 for cockpit view if you feel so inclined.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Endurance racer
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 16.6ft (5.1m)
  • Length 34.2ft (10.4m)
  • Height 8.0ft (2.4m)
  • Empty Weight 11,185lbs (5,073kg)
  • Loaded Weight 11,717lbs (5,314kg)


  • Wing Loading 66.8lbs/ft2 (326.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 175.5ft2 (16.3m2)
  • Drag Points 9901


  • Number of Parts 274
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 1,699