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Aftermath of the Collaborative Building Project

26.2k Skua  8.5 years ago

First off, thank you all so much! This was far more successful than I expected. At one point there were six variations of this on the new page at once, and a good few on the hot page too. We made twenty-one planes in total, with the longest chain being fourteen planes long. You can check out the family tree here. I've also put together a short video showing the evolution of the longest line, here.

And now, and long list of tags for everyone involved:

@Planeez @qazproductions @Earthbenderrwefa @dsr1aviation @Gelodicus @Lukmcd @Delta @BigCat @mario3154 @karlosdarkness @LjSpike @Homersdonut @WWIIPlaneBuilder @Honydog1145 @Lucky13 @kikasshes

Quick edit: Garuda1 actually uploaded another version shortly after I posted this. Make it twenty-two planes.