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[RP] The New Incarnation

37.9k Typhoon03  5.1 years ago

After the destruction of the Saltwater Carrier Nation a few survivors banded together to set up a living. A flagship was purchased, the remaining ships regrouped and a company formed. I present to you the Saltwater Moderate Corporation!

Naval assets:
12 Fury-class frigates.
1 Butterfly-class corvette.
1 Devastator-class destroyer.
1 Ursa-class ballistic missile submarine.
2 Vengeance-class destroyers.
20 light battleships.

Aerial assets:
2 Lynx Wildcat helicopters.
10 Merlin helicopters.
10 SS-F/A.1 Osprey IIs.
7 SMC Aerospace XF-83 Light-Benders.
30 MSMF-Pregnant Penguin strike fighters.
100 SMC Aerospace 51 Drifter-C transports.

Ground assets:
500 marines.
10 anti-tank missile launchers.
26 Hellfire MAD-Ts.
80 SMC Industries Earthquake ALSs.

Our income is from security we provide to the SWS Exterminator. The protection of this ship is our main role. Our offices and facilities are also located on the vessel. We also are developing and producing aircraft and ships for nations around the globe.

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    The saltwater incarnate

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03

    @MTakach Sure, we will need a factory somewhere so Novrdisch would be perfect. Plus a place for our experimental tech.

    5.1 years ago
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    7,860 MTakach

    @TheFantasticTyphoon ok buff said, do you still want Novrdisch?

    5.1 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03

    @MTakach Yes. Although this is more of a paramilitary corporation than a country, providing security to countries on board the SWS Exterminator. I want an RP presence less time-consuming than an entire country and so a company seems a good choice.

    5.1 years ago
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    7,860 MTakach

    Nice. So the SMC instead of the SCN

    5.1 years ago
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    37.9k Typhoon03


    5.1 years ago