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The Introduction of the Ostpreußen Reich

41.4k MrVaultech  5.1 years ago

The Ostpreußen Reich (East Prussian Empire), is an ancient collection of once city-states and warlords in the Eastern Prussian stretch of territory.
Ostpreußen is believed to of Started as far back as 1021 with the gathering of the three kings; a Prussian Royal predating the Teutonic Order, a exiled Swedish-Norweigan heir, and a generous Sicilian/Maltese Noble.
The three gathered together to form the tripartite monarchy of Ostpreußen, ruling fairly along the respectable stretch of East Prussia.
With their forming in the empty, barren stretch of East Prussia, a firm system of control was set for the kings; every 10 years, starting with the Prussian King, the ruler would switch out for one of the other two kings. While the new king would have a large swath of power, it was checked by the other two.
Over the next few hundred years, the Ostpreußen Reich had been in numerous wars, been absorbed and annexed a dozen or two, just to reform again as if nothing had befallen the kingdom.
Come 2019, the Ostpreußen Empire has, for the most part, shred it's war mongering state for that of weapons exports.

Current Day

A great majority of the equipment developed in Ostpreußen is purpose built for export, and a respectable number of equipment has been in the past, so much so that 57% of the country's exports consists of weapons and similar equipment.

Equipment either currently in Ostpreußen use, or available for sale to foreign countries are as follows;

Currently, the list had been moved to another location.

-Country Size-

As of today, the country's borders consists of East Prussia (the seperated segment Germany held after WW1, just for anyone not aware), as well as the island of Gotland (which was gifted to Ostpreußen by Sweden for war support and donations during the Medieval Era).
The entire country has respectably impressive levels of infrastructure, and large harbors capable of housing ships upwards to the size of Panamax, which supports the large export base of the economy.

-Population & Military Summary-
The population of Ostpreußen is nearing 6 million, with a 2002 consensus counting 5,761,528 people spread across the country. Despite the large population, the armed forces has a total count of around 465,000, while a Citizens Militia counts a little over a million civilians capable of fighting if the need arose (only ever self defense from a invasion on home soil).
While German and Old Prussian has been the primary language for hundreds of years, due to certain events from 70 years ago, Russian has become more prevalent in the southeastern portion of the country, while English and Swedish are common in the northeast section of the country. Regardless, German is still a very common language throughout the country.

-Military Standing-
The Ostpreußen military is split into several branches, which are typically compartmentalized during peace time.
The branches are as follows;
Army (Heer)
Navy (Örlogsflotta)
Airforce (Airforce)
Coast Guard
Citizens Militia
The primary 3 are Army, Navy, and Airforce, recieving the most funding and attention from the modern day heirs, and thus are the largest in the country.
The total rounded number of enlisted and volunteer soldiers is 465,000 and is spread across the branches as so;
Army - Around 270,000
Navy - Around 68,000
Airforce - Around 88,000
Marines - Around 25,000
Coast Guard - Around 15,000
Citizens Militia- Around 1,000,000

-Ostpreußen Flag-
The Royal flag of Ostpreußen is nearly as old as the country itself, having being designed 1102, updated 1689, then several small touch ups made 1870 (before being absorbed by the Prussian Empire two years later). Finally, the flag was slightly updated 1963 to the flag shown below.
To stand at the flank of the Royal Flag is a "simplified" Battle Flag, showing the colors, cross, and a simplified coat of arms of the country.
Below are the Royal Flag, and Battle Flag, in this respective order.

-Modern Political Landscape-
The leaders of Ostpreußen, true to the goals of the founding Kings, are still heirs of the original monarchs. Queen Linnéa Olsson of Sweden is the current Monarch of Ostpreußen (and will be for the next 7 years), while she's flanked by Lord Gregorio König Meier of Prussia and Lord Regan Lude of Malta.
Once Queen Olsson's term as near-absolute monarch ends, Lord Lude will be crowned King of Ostpreußen, and the symbols of the Ostpreußen Battle Flag will be rotated clockwise to match.
Outside the triple Monarch rulers, a psuedo-ministry was set up to rule the day-to-day functions of Ostpreußen. The highest non-monarch position is the Minister of Politics, elected via country-wide vote from a pool of office candidates.
Usually, the Minister of Politics answers to the Monarchs, and are answered to by various mayor-like positions from regions in the country.
The Minister of Politics can implement country-wide plans, such as for reforming of infrastructure or political system, but the plans can be completly vetoed by the collective vote of all three Monarchs.
A vast majority (except regional mayors) reside in the capital city of Königsberg, but usually the Monarch rulers reside in their country of origin, or the island of Gotland.

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    Alright @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    The deciding he could civil war the terms of a peace treaty literally 10 minutes after signing said treaty.
    Not to mention he's absurdly annoying, has spammed the site some and the Discord, it would genuinely be better off without him in SLRP, in my opinion.

    4.9 years ago
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    Huh, he's a bit too nationalistic Lol, what did he do that was bad enough to get him permabanned? @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I would of posted this on thefalkanreich's forum, but he blocked me again.
    The reason I Permabanned Falknreich here is because of what I had learned from other users, as well as his actions after being defeated by a coalotion force.
    He apparantly decided that disarming his entire country would cause a massive depression, literally seconds after I gave him the demand to disarm, then immediately after said his country was rising up against my occupation force who hadn't even arrived.

    4.9 years ago
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    K @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I have the SP Moderators set up as mods there, and a few trusted individuals.
    But for the most part, things about SLRP will go on there.

    4.9 years ago
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    Well, I'm for staying on the site, as Discord can't be moderated by SP mods. The site RP stays under control with help from SP mods as well as SLRP mods. @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Theres already a good 40-something members inside the SLRP server, so it'l only really affect the people who are terribly annoying (cough cough Lancaster) and then unfortunately you, I guess.

    4.9 years ago
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    Well, then many won't be able to participate sadly, including me @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I've also gotta make mention that people have been pushing for SLRP to be a Discord exclusive, with a few pists here and there on the forums

    4.9 years ago
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    I predicted the future, I wanted him banned a while ago. I approve. @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Alright, so I've added another user to the ban list; ChiyomiAnzai.
    Why? Antagonizing unnecessary war, making my migrane even worse with damage control, was wholly indifferent to any consequences on SLRP Discord.

    4.9 years ago
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    Whatever is necessary @MrVaultech

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Hey @Strikefighter04, I'm gonna have to ban the user Nephims/Helion from SLRP. He somehow managed to completly wipe the SLRP Google Map, and has threatened some nasty stuff in the Discord server.
    and now I'm learning it's actually CptJacobson pretending to be Nephims...

    4.9 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    To my knowledge, things are doing as decently as SLRP is usually.
    I've also already announced to the server what you said, and am putting the final touches on the new server before opening it up for everyone.

    5.0 years ago
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    Lol well I hope everything is more or less alright now. @MrVaultech

    5.0 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I more-or-less managed it as well as I could. He deleted the post, and I calmly told him the policy on space objects.
    I do recall Nerfenthusiast joining in for some reason, and I just basically left him on read he was talking such ridiculous nonsense.

    5.0 years ago
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    Yeah I am. Sorry man. That's why I haven't been able to moderate the other server. Also what went down with ChiyomiAnzai? I wasn't here this whole week. @MrVaultech

    5.0 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I'd offer you a link to see the server before anyone else, but I've heard you have issues with Discord?

    5.0 years ago
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    Yes, please do. @MrVaultech

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Hey, @Strikefighter04, would it be in best interests if I made a new SLRP server?
    The reason I ask this is that the current one is pretty unmoderated, and all over the place really.

    5.0 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    @MrVaultech Okay. Thank you for informing me.

    5.0 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    I'm in SLRP, and was directed to you via a few members in the Discord when the incident came up.

    5.0 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    @MrVaultech Are you in the official rp or the slrp? If you are in the official rp, I'm not in it at all. Please tell me wich rp you are in. Thank you.

    5.0 years ago
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    41.4k MrVaultech

    Really? Just an "Okay" to hearing that 7 people were killed in an incident on our borders?

    5.0 years ago
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