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U.S.S Montana Battleship

75.5k 2Papi2Chulo  5.1 years ago

I'm making the U.S.S Montana Battleship but I'm 1200 parts in with to much lag to even load level without crashing. I've been trying to overload the drag by calculateDrag=false but some parts crash the game and it doesn't seem to be effective at all.

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    3,419 stevemc01

    Lol I'm just seeing this and I'm trying to remake BB-34 and her guns (USS New York), so maybe I can try to make a mobile-friendly Montana (350 or less parts and still functions as similarly as possibly to the original.

    3.4 years ago
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    Hmm......oh size up the important parts

    5.0 years ago
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    75.5k 2Papi2Chulo

    @randomusername I’ve tried as much as I can

    5.1 years ago