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Beta thing..

3,664 CSP27  5.1 years ago

Small thing I noticed. I was training to long range '' 40mi'' and what I did is Spawn the craft.
Get to Wright and aim at it.
Boring thing. The craft dissappears with no reason.
So that's something I don' t like that much. I à limited to bout 15 mi.
Thing is. I firstly didn't want to make a full forum about it. But I don't have another idea to do this except forums..
And what about. There was a mod for it?

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    3,664 CSP27

    @Baby oh okay thx

    5.1 years ago
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    15.2k Baby

    If you spawn an AI vehicle to use as target practice, instead of default have it be aggressive. That makes it stay spawned unless its damaged.

    +1 5.1 years ago