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what's the max rpm you can push a piston engine on Simpleplanes?

23.1k marcox43  5.4 years ago

I'm asking this because I'm starting to blow engines whenever I pass the 800-900RPM mark, so is the there any way to make piston engines spin faster without glitching them out? I already broke my first transmission prototype when it hit 800RPM(rotators glitched out and got out of place due to inertia).
help pls. as reference, I'm using this engine as testbench

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    23.1k marcox43

    @ZHUAREVONI well, I calculated how much time it took to give a spin at 1x multiplier, then multiply that value for the input multiplier (4.25 as the case, as 4.3-4.4 blew the engine and the transmission too...)

    +1 4.5 years ago
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    29.2k VenusLancer

    bro, how do you calculate the rpm?

    4.6 years ago
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    23.1k marcox43

    @randomusername like in the conrods or as engine mounts? I'm a bit lost on what part of the engine are you referring u.u

    5.4 years ago
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    23.1k marcox43

    @randomusername what do you mean for support?

    5.4 years ago
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    23.1k marcox43

    @BACconcordepilot I'll try that, maybe a 90°V8 should work properly.

    5.4 years ago