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The Department of Aerospatial Forces (Republic of SimpeLandia)

693 StarKnight697  6.2 years ago


Department of Aerospatial Forces is a militarized department of the Republic of SimpleLandia, focusing on planetary/orbital defense, and the protection of spacebased resources such as space stations, planetary research facility, and mineral mines

Founded and directed by StarKnight697 (me) and reports directly to His Right Honorable President Strikefighter04

Headquarters: Government District, Basin City, Wright Isles
Spacebased Headquarters: Athena Station, Low Earth Orbit

Applications for any of the below positions must be written formally in the comments section. Please be advised I will also be considering your bio and reputation in the community.


Director - StarKnight697
Head of Nova-Stellar Defence Research Laboratories - Open
Space Station Supervisor - Open
Spacecraft Designer 1 - Open
Spacecraft Designer 2 - Open
Planetary Vehicle Designer - Open
Planetside Security Sub-section Head - Open
Orbital Security Sub-section Head - Open
Military Liason - Open

Please be advised, if you apply for any of these, you answer only to me, and other higher ranking than you members of SimpleLandian Space Organizations (ex: A.E.R.O.), and the President/Commander in Chief Strikefighter04 and the Vice President MyMessage