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KH-250 Progress

5,080 KingHandspider  6.2 years ago

I, for one, am very excited about the development of the KH-250. It feels like a proper airliner. It gently accelerates to 630 miles per hour, as you climb to 33,000 feet. It has proper flaps, that genuinely increase both lift and drag as they are extended. It's great.

UPDATE - Just made a nonstop flight from Maywar to Snowstone, with 22% fuel remaining. Flew over Wright and Krakabloa islands as waypoints.

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    @breitling Havent uploaded it yet, but there is a static version on my profile

    6.2 years ago
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    8,577 breitling

    what is this plane?
    btw to add a link into a word type:
    [text] (URL) except without the space between ] and (

    6.2 years ago