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John Doe Detected

73.3k hopotumon  6.5 years ago


The presence of john doe on Icarus Triatlhon Challenge III has been detected. The john doe will be dealing with Icarus Agressor, among others:
-Icarus III Agressor : To deal with participants with less than 7 cannons, and using standard missiles.
-Icarus III Super Agressor : to face participants with a cannon of less than 7 but using nonstandard missiles.
-Icarus III Extreme Agressor : to face participants with more than 7 cannons or advanced weapons and non-standard missiles.
-Icarus III Incredible Agressor : to face participants with very-very Incredible weapons.

The detected John Doe is:
1. John Doe : Using Laserbeam canon and 28 x fast interceptors will face the Icarus III Incredible Agressor
2. FX-03 type 3 : Using Laserbeam canon, 6x interceptors and 6x guardians will face the Icarus III Extreme Agressor
3. Crusader-B : Using 6x Advanced Gun and 24x interceptors will face the Icarus III Super Agressor
1. video I
2. video II
3. Video III

and others..