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the second jundroo war: INDEPENDENCE

3,836 QuantausAviation  6.5 years ago

while the kruolan empire was busy fighting the z army,
the zeppelin isles officially declared independence and attacked kruolan troops based there
the first wave of guardian class drone helicopters swept through the isles, killing every kruolan soldier they found, while partisans sabotaged vital supply routes and vehicles
the second wave saw the Air Force of the kruolan empire get wiped out by lancer class jets and fx tronus class jets, which were constructed secretly. the kruolan Air Force did manage to scramble their jets, but some were destroyed on the runway
the third wave saw the the kurolan navy being attacked by some scorpion class helicopters, with the kerlin which was docked for repairs and resupplying its crew being sunk, but not before taking over half of the scorpions that were attacking with it
any survivors were ordered to retreat by boat to fight the z empire
following this event, the zeppelin isles became the democratic republic of the zeppelin isles. S.A.N officially recognised the democratic republic of the zeppelin isles as a sovereign state
zeppelin isles partisans:
350 casualties
kruolan occupation force:
500 casualties

NOTE:casualties include vehicles involved in the fight