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6,530 Sided_Ace  6.7 years ago

Ok, so the 1.7 beta dropped around last week, and I just recently got on, and I got so exited, I read through all of the new added items, and I get further down and I see in bold letters that iOS won't get the beta, why? It's not like we can't give feedback(because we can) or are incapable. Please explain why (or is it what I think and it's apple's fault)

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    6,530 Sided_Ace

    @Flightsonic true, but we miss out on going through the development of the game, and that's something I enjoy

    6.7 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    They can do betas for apple, but it's a pain for the dev team and simply not worth it. Afterall, it's a beta, you get to skip all the bugs anyway

    6.7 years ago
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    21.6k F4f879

    Probably Apple... Also the devs probably want non iOS users to test it so they can get feedback for xml stuff and things like ghat

    6.7 years ago