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Why won't it upload?

21.6k F4f879  6.9 years ago

Hello everyone I'm using iOS, have plenty of space on my phone. Just built a Fokker d.xxi with @sarpanitu's WWII cockpit (it's great check it out) but it won't upload! Help, what should I do to fix it? There aren't very many parts (unless it's the cockpit that's too much for my phone) and I successfully uploaded other aircraft today. However, when I try to upload this Fokker, the game just crashes when I hit "upload." What could be the problem?

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    21.6k F4f879

    Lol np

    6.9 years ago
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    21.6k F4f879

    @WEAPONSMITH check my Fokker out. It's 1300 parts!! I don't know how I made it lol

    6.9 years ago
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    21.6k F4f879

    Ok I'll try again @WEAPONSMITH thanks!

    6.9 years ago