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Now Announcing My Pluto Series Aircraft!

21.2k HKAerodynamics  6.9 years ago

Now announcing my new line of 5 updated aircraft named "Pluto Series Aircraft". They each fill different roles and preform quite differently for different situations. They have top of the line flight dynamics and brand new aesthetic assets while keeping low impact for mobile devices. I chose them to update from my previous aircraft for several different reasons: their overall popularity, milestones in my building style, and for regular usage and performance in these aircraft. I will release them in the following order:

A modified, carrier based attack class aircraft. The HK EXO-4 M Barracuda III

An upgraded, Air Superiority Fighter with advanced aesthetics. The HK X-15 Regis II

A class update to a previously successful, multipurpose aircraft. The HK X-14 Horizon VI

A drastically updated version of my light bomber class Gold plane. The HK X-8 Suzaku IV

And finally, a further upgraded version of my recent, Mobility Fighter. The HK Alpha-14 Dimensional Rift

Keep your eyes peeled for these aircraft, I should be uploading them soon, one at around 10:30pm Eastern US time, and one at around 10:30am respectively. Can't wait to see how you guys like em'!