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Icarrus Terminator Has Ready to Stop Too Long Fighting

73.3k hopotumon  6.9 years ago


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Icarrus Race Triathlon Challenge II

Too long fighting on Phase II will be stopped by Icarrus Terminator. if able to survive from the intruder will get 2 extra upvote and can continue the mission. But if You loss You only get 1 Upvote.

List of Terminators

  1. Icarus Bugatti MK-III
  2. Icarus 5000 Hypersonic
  3. Icarus Mystery Drone Terminator
  4. Icarus Elien Terminator

Icarrus Terminator Action Phase I:

  1. Icarrus // video won 2 extra upvote

Icarrus Terminator Action Phase II - Video

  1. Icarrus Golden Experience Can't stopped by Terminator: WON 2 extra upvote
  2. Icarrus Loss => 1 extra Upvote
  3. ICAROSSE Loss => 1 extra upvote.