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Aggressors Are Ready to Preparing a Gift For The "John Doe"

73.3k hopotumon  6.9 years ago

john doe

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If it exceeds the amount or violates the provisions of the plane will be faced with agressor on Phase II. if able to survive from aggressor it will get 3-10 extra upvotes according the rules of each aggressor. The "John Doe" can beat the aggressor will continue the mission.

List of Aggressors:
- Icarrus Light Aggressor : Close Dogfight 5 Upvotes
- Icarrus Dark Aggressor : Medium Dogfight 10 Upvotes
- Heavy Weight Icarrus Aggressor : Far Dogfight 3 Upvotes
- Icarus 5000 Hypersonic Attack MK-II : Far dogfight 10 Upvotes
- Icarrus Bugatti MK II : Close Dogfight 3 upvotes (propeller)

You can choose the plane above at the comment.
List of "JOHN DOE":
- Icarus : 10 Upvotes