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Announcing new project. (Needs your input) And general news

43.9k PlanesOfOld  7.0 years ago

I am re-opening the Britannia series.

Please tell me what you would like to see in a multi role fighter from 2020 I'm up for taking suggestions, what would you like it to be able to do? What shapes smooth or jagged? How fast? How agile? What advanced systems would you like to see?

If all goes well I will have a basic layout and design by next week and assuming my design skills are decent and you lot don't ask for something ridiculous it should be finished in a month (usualy how long it takes me to make a Britannia plane.

Anyway, I'm currently making:

XVI Fumus Bovi (A traction engine- looks f-in awesome btw, and will hopefully have a working mechanical engine with help from visify)

Cody British Army Aeroplane no.1 (finding it quite hard to find plans)

Cody Michelin cup biplane (same as above)

Dunne D.4 (not actually started but planned)

Possible things to upload that I don't plan to properly finish.

DH vixen that I made on my iPad (been hanging around in my saves for 6 months or more)


Some ww1 stuff

Prehaps another tank

HMS Dreadnaught 1906 (not actually garunteed as I am still petrified by the immense size of the project, and I haven't yet gotten decent plans that show the details and shapes of the decks FYI; no I'm not making the interior but need the deck plans to calculate the shape)

A windmill??????

Requests that I got years ago and never did? (If you have one put
It in the comments and I will ignore it out of fear.)

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    8,426 SinisterARMS

    @PlanesOfOld ok

    7.0 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    Tag me on the finished product. @Renovator

    7.0 years ago
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    43.9k PlanesOfOld

    No mods will be used @Renovator

    7.0 years ago
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    8,426 SinisterARMS

    Weapon Mods

    7.0 years ago
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    8,426 SinisterARMS

    If you need mods I can perhaps give you my Beta Mod but I didn't release it yet it will be July 1-15th or July 9-21st.

    7.0 years ago