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More about Blackhawk Aero Indistries

2,262 BasketKase  6.9 years ago

I'm back with a more I depth look at upcoming projects. First of all, I have a paint policy. Aircraft to be launched will have a high-viz paint scheme in a red nose, tail, and fuselage striping or wingtips if applicable. They will be in a bright red (Dedicated fighters in overall dark paint are exceptions, will red is replaced by white). Feel free to edit paint schemes once you download an aircraft made by me. Now let's move on to upcoming aircraft. Aircraft will be listed in order of priority.

  1. F-36 Viper
  2. RF-36 Viper
  3. F-12 Banshee II
  4. A-12 Banshee II
  5. A-23 Voodoo II
  6. E-1 Mercator- ASW Aircraft
  7. P-67G Blackhawk- Revamp
  8. F-108 Demon revamp - Called
    F-108H Demon
  9. Complete redesign of F-107 Panther II, will be called F-107 Cougar II
  10. Extensively modified vertigo, unnamed and untouched at this point.

That's all for now! Bye!