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SNAW Hostile Planet Explorator

48.8k Baldovino  7.1 years ago

After a long long times, I end to work to my remote planets vehicle. I'm pretty happy with it. A complete regolable suspension system, with variable clearence and variable angle of attack, a turret system with weapons and aim system, and a lot of features:



1 = Parachutes (landing or unforeseen falls)
2 = Engine for maritime navigation
3 + TRIM = Clearence front axle
3 + VTOL = Clearence rear axle
4 + TRIM = angle of attack front axle
4 + VTOL = angle of attack rear axle
5 + = VTOL Bars self straightening or unexpected obstacles.
6 + VTOL = Pan weapons
TRIM + 6 = Raise weapons
8 = Lights

B = Brakes

Thrust = engine (land and sea)
Roll = steering on th he ground + roll in air
Pitch = Pitch in air
Yaw = Yaw in air and in water

Camera 1 = aim for weapons
Fire weapons = Machine Gun

The maximum speed has been specially limited to 55 miles per hour (via XML changes), but the power of 9600 HPs allows to overcome climbs to the tilting limit. The speed limiter also allows to avoid excessive jumps at the end of the climbs.

The sea speed may reach 33 mph.

The ability to vary the ride height (also independently between the front and rear) allows to adapt the guide to the ground or to overcome bumps or rocks. It also allows bringing observation bubbles near to the ground, for close-up vision of samples of interest scientefico on the ground.

The possibility of varying the angle of attack allows to climb up very steep surfaces, such as pyramids or other with steep slopes.

The self straightening bars can help both to return straight after a rollover that to unforeseen uses, such overruns extreme obstacles or unlock any hull joints or wheels in steep terrain.

During any jumps the vehicle is very stable, but some degree of control can still be carried out with pitch / roll / yaw

The rotation and the elevation of the weapons has been restricted to prevent accidentally shoot the vehicle itself.

The vehicle can survive even serious damage to the wheels, to allow the crew to continue the mission and return to base.

Everything is designed to deal with dangerous and unexpected situations, defending the crew from possible hostile, and allowing you to explore and carry out scientific experiments.

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    48.8k Baldovino


    7.1 years ago
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    8,433 Testin123

    @Baldovino it's fine.

    7.1 years ago
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    48.8k Baldovino

    @Testin123 sorry for my english. This project was in WIP state for a loooong time.

    7.1 years ago
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    8,433 Testin123

    "I end to work to my"
    I don't quite understand that. Are there supposed to be pictures?

    7.1 years ago