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Monthly Update-February 2017

42.3k Supercraft888  7.3 years ago

Hello everyone, Supercraft888 here, and we have finished January! I actually finished most the things I wanted to do! I just didn't upload them yet unfortunately due to exams, but yes, I did finish most of the things I planned to do last month, I will upload the B-62 family soon though. And Elucidator is almost finished, the dark repulser is almost finished, but as for the season 2 swords I really have no idea what I'm looking for. If someone would like to tell me then thanks. Also, now that exams are out of the way, I have decided to start work on the cold war mega build again

•Purposed builds
-Multiple planes from the Cold War Mega Build
-finish SAO season 1 swords
-some random stuff, maybe a firearm or some sort of turret
-stuff for KingDeadshot's RP
-finish the "Card" series of gliders

Anyway, that's all from me this month, hopefully I can build more since exams are over. Tell me what you think I should do and I'll try to complete it. Have a great February SimplePlanes Community!

-Sincerely Supercraft888