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12.9k poenix  7.5 years ago

So this was a test useing cellphone VR streaming to see if it is viable for simple plains devs to implement.

Here's my conclusion.

I used KinoniVR whitch handles all of it. What I noticed is that without fast internet cards theirs to mutch delay.

When I upgraded my internet card to a faster speed it functioned with no delay and was viable to use

Useing KinoniVR's side by side mode to make it SBS render makes the screan look rectangular and needs to be adjusted at first to get the best size. It doesn't fill the entire cellphone screen even when adjusted.

If simpleplains had a option to SBS render for a VR viewer I could use the full cellphone screen as well as it could be used with more streaming apps thain just VR streaming.

Doing test flights with this VR setup I could use the low res screen to successfully takeoff and land. I managed to score kills in air whitch means it could be viable in combat scenarios!!

Now here's the part where I say what would need to happen in VR mode if it eventually exists

  1. The gun reticle and instruments would need to be expanded so they may be seen correctly.

  2. It would need to SBS render that way kinoni VR wouldn't need to have SBS mode turned on allowing a better resolution.

  3. The instorments cannot disappear if you use mouse look.

Over that that's the only things that would need to happen since I use kinoni VR and it uses the phone gyroscope as mouse so all you would need to do is hold the mouse button to free look.

Here are links to screen shots from the viewer


and here

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    12.9k poenix

    @MrSilverWolf that's a project I'm working on right now and yes it is the same plane

    7.5 years ago
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    I have an question, were did you get that plane in the last pic there, and is it just the same plane?

    7.5 years ago