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Rotators and interface

25.9k LegendaryBottle  7.6 years ago

Hello, today I would like to tell you about some bugs that have annoyed me for the past few months and seriously interfered with the building of some crafts.
Let's start:
The first bug, in fact, prompted me to make a bugreport. This is incorrectly working vertically placed hinge rotator binded on pitch and yaw. It doesn't matter if it is xml modded or not. Because of this bug I can't do some cockpit feautures properly, for example the flight stick (but I obviously can't demonstrate you this bug with a screenshot).
The second bug is interface panel, that never changes in game updates (you can see it on the screenshot). Of course, this isn't such a trouble, but still...
The third bug is just really annoying, especially when it appears in some long-builded crafts, like my "F1F Goblin" or "Project Zveno". During many hours rotator/fuselage properties menu just showed up as an empty window, so I had to open cockpit properties menu to fix it. I didn't really think about making a screenshot before, but before writing this bug report I couldn't get this bug. Maybe I will attach it later if I see it again.
Also I tried to fix these bugs myself, checking cache in Steam, reinstalling the game, exiting and entering the test build, trying different combinations of these actions - that didn't help.
I hope you have a solution for these bugs (especially for the first one).