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WW3 RP Part One Year 2067

5,959 livetoplay11  7.6 years ago

The war was started much like WW2, Germany bombed New York Harbor in 2066. It's been endless fighting for a year now, who we thought were are allies now rage war with us. This is the begining of World War Three. The third "war to end all wars", if there's one thing I've learned it's that war never ends. The worst thing is that while the war is raging global warming is upon us, it was our worst fear and now it is true. If you ask why the war started the average person would say because the Germans bombed us, then you asked why they bombed us, well the answer is because they believe that it was all America's fault that we lived at the begining of global warming. Is this The End?

Allied Countries Known:
Allied with Germany: Japan, Mongolia, South Afria, North Africa.
Allied with the Americas: China, Russia, plus all countries in the Americas.

Upvote to keep this roleplay going! Choose your side and put a link to anything you make for this RP in the comments.

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    5,959 livetoplay11

    @DesertEagle3450 There might be in the distant future. I pretty much gave up on this.

    7.6 years ago
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    5,959 livetoplay11

    @cowelly I'll be sure to find a copy!

    7.6 years ago
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    1,128 cowelly

    @livetoplay11 First read it when I was 13 years old and it scared the s* out of me. Now I am 43 and the book is still as good a read as the day I first set eyes on it. Anyway your storyline is intriguing - and leads me to think that the creation of North Africa would create grounds amidst which WW3 would start. There currently is a South Africa but not a North Africa - SA is a recognised Republic.

    7.6 years ago
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    5,959 livetoplay11

    @cowelly No, I've never read the book.

    7.6 years ago
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    1,128 cowelly

    True ... War on this scale no longer decides whose right but who is left! Just out of interest is this Roleplay based on 'Down To A Sunless Sea' by David Graham at all? Excellent book if you can get hold of a copy :o)

    7.6 years ago