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NAHW, 1939-1955, Year: 1943

1,694 1gman4evr  7.9 years ago

Germany's bomb program is now a year behind without heavy water. As for the USSR it's going even worse. KGB spies are being caught like crazy, scientists that work with the soviets like Klaus Fuchz are being arrested and KGB contacts like Harry Gold are having the same thing. The allied powers kick the USSR out of the allies and declare the USSR an independent fighter in this World War. Portuguese troops invade Sardinia, and Chinese troops evacuate Peking and move to Nanking. Allied troops arrive in China and push the Japanese out of Peking, Shenghai, and Manchuria which China annexes quickly. USSR without allied support loses Stalingrad, Lengingrad, Moscow, Kursk, and more, after this Siberia gains Independance and joins the allies. The Soviet Union dissolves. All countries in it stay neutral or like Belarus and Ukraine join the Axis.

Current Wars: WW2

French Empire, British Empire, Portugal, Australia, Canada, USA, R.O.C, Palestine (Isreal), Norway, Siberia
Collapsed Allies
Yugoslavia, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemborg, Poland

Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Ukraine, Belarus
Surrendered Axis

Independent Countries

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