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Things simpleplanes needs

101 BurntFlameZ  7.9 years ago

The ability to individually control vtol engines

More indepth on screen control scheme for mobile devices like autopilot, the abilty to toogle engines on and off

Visible damage like engin failure fuel control failure like flaps and throttle, brakes.

A picture of you aircraft that shows where it's located

Actual Cockpit view hud

Like activation group lights that turn on or off weather its active or not while in cockpit view

The ability to dock multiple aircrafts together for like refueling or to build a base to put aircrafts in or to just dock a ground vehicle to a plane and then redock it to the plane

The ability to have multiplayer

I mean i can go on and on and on but i want your feedback what do you guys think of my list and what else do you think should be on it

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    I cant use mods im only iphone

    7.9 years ago
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    8,104 LofiTurtle

    @KingDeadshot is the multiplayer mod finished? Also, they held back multiplayer because it wasn't coded with multiplayer in mind and they would have to re write nearly all of the game's code to make it possible

    7.9 years ago
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    Yea i know its just building planes and flying them into water and the ground for a rush of excitement is getting boring

    7.9 years ago
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    Well your asking alot I mean all of this requires a lot of coding and multiplayer is never coming the devs said so themselves

    7.9 years ago
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    @Pearl yea i agree but still there is a lot to improve on dont you think

    7.9 years ago