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How to stop plane from tilting forward.

2,435 TheEpicLemur  7.9 years ago

Hello, I have created a small jet fighter. The CoM and CoL seem to be fine and reasonably close to the center but a little further back. My plane however keeps tipping to the front after take off. Not violently but quite a lot and you have to keep aiming the nose up every 5 seconds. Any help is appreciated.

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    10.8k windshifter1

    I have the same issue! In my ww2 prop plane, it keeps tilting down. I can put weight at the back but then the plane can pitch up and down but with no difference in altitude, just fall like a dead weight?

    1.2 years ago
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    Dude, i got the same thing, the com and col is almost perfectly centered, but still, it goes up, can anyone give an explaination of fix it for me, it'll mean alot fot me, heres the plane

    2.0 years ago
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    2,435 TheEpicLemur

    It is still tilting, I can't get it to stay straight or even close. I've tried messing around the airfoils and done almost everything :/ if I add weight to the back, the handling screws up. It controls well but just tilts. Should I leave it

    7.9 years ago
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    2,435 TheEpicLemur

    Ah. Thank you :) @Ambarveis @MoscowskiAircrafts

    7.9 years ago
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    1,246 Ambarveis

    @TheEpicLemur I think I found a bit of problem, your main wings are all set to semi-sym. which causes the back to lift up.

    I set the main wings to symmetrical and left the canard at flat bottom and it (kinda) doesn't tilt forward.

    7.9 years ago
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    2,435 TheEpicLemur Here is the link to the jet (it's unlisted.) @ChiChiWerx @Delphinus @Ambarveis

    7.9 years ago
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    2,435 TheEpicLemur

    The centre of mass and lift are close together, and at the same height. Centre of thrust should be very similar to the com because the engine is rear based and is connecting to the main fuselage. For some weird reason the trim is controlling the roll@Delphinus @ChiChiWerx

    7.9 years ago
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    29.9k ChiChiWerx

    Even with the trim set (VTOL slider down)? I also second what Delphinus is telling you, shift the CoM closer to CoL

    7.9 years ago
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    1,246 Ambarveis

    Have you tried increasing the aerofoil?
    Is your center of thrust higher than your center of mass?
    Is there too much drag at the underside of your plane?

    Maybe a wee bit more specific.

    7.9 years ago