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How could i improve?

1,592 TheChosenZebra  8.0 years ago

Ive tried making aircraft but they never seem to really get noticed, im assuming this is because im not building them well enough is there any way I could improve?

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    22.5k MoterKade

    Time and patience. If you are into building replicas.... details. The more time you spend on perfecting you craft and your particular style the more response you will get from the community. If you build custom things try to make them different from what others are building. Try for something never done or improve on something that has been done and add your own flare. There are so many opportunities to get noticed here. Plus there is no shortage of experienced builders here that can give you pointers and assistance in the many variety of creations found here.
    Oh I should add. Streamlining you builds to be mobile friendly helps as well. I also noticed you build on PC so having HellFireKoder's Fine Tuner Mod is a excellent tool to assist you in your endeavors.

    Great builds a wait you;)

    8.0 years ago