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Where are the AI?

8,628 BeryllCorp  8.0 years ago

Sometimes my "spawn AI window" tells me that I currently have 3 AI planes active but I could only target 1 or 2 or nothing at all. This usually happens if I stay in the ground for too long (driving a car or ship) or when I create new planes for them to fly. Where did they go? Is this a bug?

and PhilipTarpley told me that AI spawn is random. This seems to be the case... until you create groups for them. If you name a group of AI plane in the same sequence (like Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 777 or USAF A-10, USAF AC-130, USAF F-14, USAF F-15 etc.) the first plane in that group has a higher chance of being spawned than the others. Most times, the first plane occupy at least 2 out of 3 AI spawn. It is a pain because i have to create unique names for every single AI planes that I use so everyone of them can be summoned with equal probability.

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    8,628 BeryllCorp

    @AndrewGarrison, @joeysellers, @PhilipTarpley, @WeeBabySeamus
    I'll just put it here because I dont want to spam the forum. I found a bug where if you reduce the mass of the rocket pods below 0.5 it will suddenly disconnect with the plane while firing rockets

    8.0 years ago
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    8,628 BeryllCorp

    @AndrewGarrison, @joeysellers, @PhilipTarpley, @KevinMurphy

    8.0 years ago