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1,598 Astron1  8.0 years ago

After the complete complete takeover of China, the WSR has moved in towards North and South Korea, Northern Vietnam, and Taiwan. They are pushing with great Efficiency, but are losing many men day after day, about 700 to 800 soldiers of multiple factions killed per day, especially to those trenches in South Korea, which is basically and field of blood, sweat, and tears. After taking over those countries, they would then push into Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, and Indonesia At the western American coastline (North and South), the WSR forces there are trying their very hardest to push back yet another attack by sea, by the JR. They have brought a even bigger fleet, and relentlessly pound the coastline. Speaking of the JR, they have found a regiment that has been scouting their factories, and decide to hold them hostage, and try to make the GOF surrender, while they fiddle with whatever info they may be hiding. The WSR is pushing like a rock, but the GOF has a crisis in their hands.

Slimetech,Alaska,large Bomb storage
SonsOfAchilles,Greece, provides advanced soldiers and heavy land,air,and sea vehicles
Australian Liberation Fighters (A.L.F), the Americas, multirole fighters and espionage
Guardians Of Jundroo (G.O.F.), Worldwide, advanced test labs and equipment, ground troops, mechs, ship building, manufacturing, weapons, next gen aircraft
TheHardcoreFlyer, Edmonton Canada, bomber escort and bomber interception
Ambarveis,Indian Ocean, Sabotage and bombings and light recon
Gorobloso, London. UK, Apprentice engineer
King Flying Command, Antarctica, interceptors, strategic bombers, penguins, and food rations, especially chicken wings
SilverWolf Empire, Denver USA, Heavy lift, transport and trainer aircraft
Battle Encounter Assault Regiment (BEAR), Alaska and space, Experimental aircraft and spacecraft, stealth infantry
South North American army, Alabama USA, West Virginia, Virginia, Nevada, Mississippi, Oregon, Wahington, Alaska, Northern Ireland, and Ireland, Nuke tech, CID, ABC, SIAF,
Stealth Invaders Command (SIC), Arkansas and Alabama USA, extreme flight maneuvering, plane manufacturing, Ocassional bombing runs
ThunderscreechEngineering, Phoenix, Arizona USA, aircraft manufacturer
Irish Special forces, Ireland? Missiles and land assault supplier
W4RD0GZ, Murphy Island, Handles and supports ground assault
Normatican Empire, AMB Normatica colony Florence Italy,multiple roles
Astatika Empire, Vietnam, heavy ship provider
Seitwälder Republic, Land between Europe and the Americas, Strong air and main battle tanks
Tzvetkov, Murphy Island, mech engineer and pilots
Panculius, Philippines, strong air suport provider
Anarchist Insurgency, Area 51, Paris, London, Technologically advanced fighter aircraft and weapons
AlphaOneIndustries, Paris, France, invincible and invisible weapons and vehicles
Griffith, Murphy Island, plane fighter and manufacturer of bombers
ElGatoVolador, South and Central America, Lots of resources and labor, small amount of planes and land vehicles

Sorry for my absence, but here it is!


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    1,598 Astron1

    @DALS2016Killshot86 @TomTheBuilder @PINK @CyborgTerminator

    7.9 years ago
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    Thanks @DALS2016KillShot86 !!I mean it!!

    8.0 years ago
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    We are? Weren't we allies with Murica ?@DALS2016KillShot86

    8.0 years ago
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    Why do you say that @DALS2016KillShot86 ?

    8.0 years ago
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    Please exclude South Korea, we are a very peaceful country :^)

    8.0 years ago
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    67.8k PINK


    8.0 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1


    8.0 years ago
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    67.8k PINK

    Oh leave what was once northeast China and North Korea alone, or some Froggers will tear you a new a--hole. As for South Korea, I don't care.

    8.0 years ago