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Glide ratio assistant calculation sfotware

4,066 Cypher01  8.0 years ago

Hi all, sorry if I make mistakes, i'm french. I build gliders and I want can to calculate easily my glider's glide ratio. For all people like me, I've program a little software to simplify calculations.
For calculate your plane's glide ratio, you have to follow some instructions :
1-Select a start point at one altitude (for the example : 3800 ft) and one speed you will maintain during the
measure (here, I take 64 mph)
2-Record the time for reach a new altitude (here, we imagine we stop the chronometer at 2800 ft and I've obtain 3min12s) while maintaining approximately the same speed (in the example, 64 mph)
3-Enter values in my software : the lost height (here, 3800-2800 = 1000 ft), the time to lose that height (here, 3*60 = 180 180+12 = 192 s) and your chosen speed (in the example, it's 64 mph)

The software give you the result at your speed (in the example, we obtain a glide ratio of 18.022 at 64 mph from entered values). This method isn't very precise, the result is an approximation :)
Good fly all ! :)

You can download the software here (Only for Windows) :
-32bits (need java):
-64bits (doesn't need java):
Please report bugs, I'm not a professional programmer :,)

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    17.5k Benny3053

    Yeah Thanks man , thats what i need☺👍✌@Matthew01

    8.0 years ago
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    4,066 Cypher01

    @Benny3053 Ok .... I'm going to look if I can create a version for android but I don't think I'm enough good for do that.

    8.0 years ago
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    17.5k Benny3053

    Nope @Matthew01

    8.0 years ago
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    4,066 Cypher01

    @Benny3053 You don't have computer ?

    8.0 years ago
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    17.5k Benny3053

    Sorry, i cant download it, im a mobile android user..@Matthew01

    8.0 years ago
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    4,066 Cypher01

    Thanks @IStoleYourMeme, @Feanor, @Thefalloutplayr, @Flightsonic :)

    8.0 years ago
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    4,066 Cypher01

    @Benny3053 Tell me what do you think about it ;)

    8.0 years ago