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Color type changes on me

3,271 SigmaTwelve  8.1 years ago

So, you know when you paint your aircraft, you have the option of gloss, semi gloss, and flat? I have two of the same color on one of my cars, but one of them is supposed to be gloss, but every time I drive it around, it turns to semi gloss, then when up I save it, it just reverts back to flat. Is this a bug or am I not doing something right?

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    @SigmaTwelve I believe that is a bug. I seem to remember another user saying something about the paint going to flat on it's own at times.

    8.1 years ago
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    3,271 SigmaTwelve

    Yes I am, @TheLatentImage

    8.1 years ago
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    Are you using the mobile beta?

    8.1 years ago