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1,598 Astron1  8.1 years ago

The WSR has finally taken over all of China, and now continues to push forward into North and South Korea. The army down south has taken the Southern half of Vietnam and are slowly taking North Vietnam. The North South American Army has successfully dropped their EMP's into the country, disabling their blitz fields, and are currently readying for more drops into the other countries. The R&D centers that are part of the WSR factions in Americas have developed a rocket gun that can work as anti air, anti tank, and anti infantry, and also is mounted on either a truck or a water based vehicle. The JR has also been at work with a large trench system in the countries South Korea, Japan, The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Much like the trenches in WW I, they include a lot of machine guns, anti tank and anti air cannons, mines, barbed wire, and sniper nests. Taking China was a huge step, but there is still plenty left to do.

Slimetech,Alaska,large Bomb storage
SonsOfAchilles,Greece, provides advanced soldiers and heavy land,air,and sea vehicles
Australian Liberation Fighters (A.L.F), the Americas, multirole fighters and espionage
Guardians Of Jundroo (G.O.F.), Worldwide, advanced test labs and equipment, ground troops, mechs, ship building, manufacturing, weapons, next gen aircraft
TheHardcoreFlyer, Edmonton Canada, bomber escort and bomber interception
Ambarveis,Indian Ocean, Sabotage and bombings and light recon
Gorobloso, London. UK, Apprentice engineer
King Flying Command, Antarctica, interceptors, strategic bombers, penguins, and food rations, especially chicken wings
SilverWolf Empire, Denver USA, Heavy lift, transport and trainer aircraft
Battle Encounter Assault Regiment (BEAR), Alaska and space, Experimental aircraft and spacecraft, stealth infantry
South North American army, Alabama USA, West Virginia, Virginia, Nevada, Mississippi, Oregon, Wahington, Alaska, Northern Ireland, and Ireland, Nuke tech, CID, ABC, SIAF,
Stealth Invaders Command (SIC), Arkansas and Alabama USA, extreme flight maneuvering, plane manufacturing, Ocassional bombing runs
ThunderscreechEngineering, Phoenix, Arizona USA, aircraft manufacturer
Irish Special forces, Ireland? Missiles and land assault supplier
W4RD0GZ, Murphy Island, Handles and supports ground assault
Normatican Empire, AMB Normatica colony Florence Italy,multiple roles
Astatika Empire, Vietnam, heavy ship provider
Seitwälder Republic, Land between Europe and the Americas, Strong air and main battle tanks
Tzvetkov, Murphy Island, mech engineer and pilots
Panculius, Philippines, strong air suport provider
Anarchist Insurgency, Area 51, Paris, London, Technologically advanced fighter aircraft and weapons
AlphaOneIndustries, Paris, France, invincible and invisible weapons and vehicles
Griffith, Murphy Island, plane fighter and manufacturer of bombers
ElGatoVolador, South and Central America, Lots of resources and labor, small amount of planes and land vehicles



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    1,598 Astron1

    New Post!@GrimMantis @Manatee @KerlonceauxIndustries @ThunderscreechEngineering

    7.9 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @GrimMantis @Manatee @ThunderscreechEngineering

    7.9 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @DALS2016KillShot86 @GrimMantis @Manatee @KerlonceauxIndustries @ThunderscreechEngineering
    New POST!

    8.0 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @DALS2016KillShot86 Sorry, there has been a lot of testing at my school, and I have recently been grinding my heart out on War Thunder. I might end up releasing another one on Thursday and Friday.

    8.0 years ago
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    23.7k GrimMantis

    tl;dr , but im with you, cause why not

    8.1 years ago
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    14.4k Manatee

    i don't get it tho

    8.1 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @Manatee whoa man look at that wall of text man! Lol

    8.1 years ago
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    14.4k Manatee


    8.1 years ago
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    And 5 squadrons of 7 Albatross M.2 gunships destroyed tons of AA sites and did some reconnaissance over the Korean peninsula.

    8.1 years ago
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    A couple of KXB-96 Peacekeeper super-heavy strategic bombers went over and dropped about 45,000 lbs of napalm, incendiary, and cluster bombs over China. And one of them carried 4 5,600 lb Mk 2505N hydrogen bombs.

    8.1 years ago
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    I send a few of my battle-ready heavy fighters to do a bombing run on the Astatika Empire's dock in Vietnam.

    8.1 years ago