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Notifications Key

3,782 Manboy  8.2 years ago

If you havent already noticed, the Devs (secretly) updated the Notifications bar/page to a whole new level: there is a Post notifications tab (people mentioning you, upvoting, etc), and there is a New Airplanes tab (uploaded planes of people you follow). But they also added RED notifications. If your confused why there is red AND blue, heres a "Notifications key":

•Red=People mentioning you on FORUMS, and everything involved with forums
•Blue=people mentioning you on planes, if you won/lost a tournament match, and everything else
-Also uploaded planes of the people you follow

I hope this helps!

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    But now i get red notifications from plane mentions ... Anyway thank you , i was afraid at first ...i was reporting a copied plane then the confirm buttons turned red ...after that i went to check my notifications and found some red ones .....

    7.9 years ago
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    3,782 Manboy

    @ShatteredAviation np

    8.2 years ago
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    8.2 years ago