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67.8k PINK  8.2 years ago
           The plane had crashed nose first into a bog, it didn’t even have a chance to lift off the ground. The intakes were full of water, yet there was no rust on any of the components. This was painted in a naval scheme designed to weather the elements, and never rust….the engines were a mess though. The heavy 30,000lbs plane sunk rear first and had the two BEF turbofans fill with sediment (and were destroyed), the rear landing gear were broken in two....never to function again, the tail was almost completely ruined...the elevators and rudders almost certainly to never function again.
         Luckily their was no loss of life, the pilot and WEPO were fine. Only a minor injury was reported by the heavy wrecking team. A equipment operator slipped on the roof of a recovery vehicle. Total losses are around $15 million Euros. The plane was rebuilt and sent to an Army strike squadron, painted in a pink splash camo. The pilots stayed in the Naval (Maritime) Multi-1 squardon....more often referred to the King Serpent.

The plane was unloaded as this was a ferrying run, not a combat mission. Infact the Maritime pilots were lucky, the 500lbs bombs would have struck tree roots at a speed of
120mph. This is enough velocity to set of the explosives when armed, and, due to the fact they are dumb bombs they would have been armed by the ground crew. Luckily, as mentioned earlier, the EF-105B was unloaded.