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Okay, sorry, one more idea!!!

7,305 OtterOfToast  8.3 years ago

I was looking through my aircraft posts list and I noticed how my Asperger's sense of organization was being defiled. Could there be a system to throw some aircraft into folders or groups to keep things organized? My Corporeal models kinda take up too much space and are mixed in with a bunch of other designs. It makes me slowly go insane @w@

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    67.8k PINK

    Same here. I want the EFs away from the ODs@OtterOfToast

    8.3 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    @OtterOfToast that is fo sho (for sure)

    8.3 years ago
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    7,305 OtterOfToast

    @Flightsonic Yeah :\ But hey, if they could, it'd be nice to see :3 I'm sure the devs could do it. They're awfully dedicated to the community <3

    8.3 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Hmm, that would be difficult but cool (to program)

    8.3 years ago