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Accepting Requests + Release Schedule UPDATE

27.8k bskngshrk  8.3 years ago

Hello everyone! I've been in the design process for multiple Generation 2 airplanes and vehicles for Simple Planes and have gone through some planning changes to advocate for tournament due dates and new project ideas. Bear with me:

Feb 25th: Lightweight Gladiator Tank
Feb 29th: Jet Glider Challenge Entry
March 4th: [open]
March 8th: Flying Saucer
March 12th: Missile-Powered Fighter Prototype
March 16th: Passenger Steam Boat
March 20th: Stratosloop Prototype

I AM CURRENTLY ACCEPTING REQUESTS. The Flying Saucer and Missile-Powered Fighter are both suggestions taken from fellow users. If you have any ideas or projects that you either don't have time to complete or cannot finish for other reasons, I'll gladly take them into consideration :)

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to download my planes and an extended thanks to you guys who left feedback and upvotes! I love you guys, and I'll happily continue to submit new and innovative designs to this website, and I look forward to the future and my ascension to Silver Rank :D

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    27.8k bskngshrk

    Maybe I'll try a CL-130. Look on my to-do list post, I use that now to keep ideas @tacotime

    8.2 years ago
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    Could you make a cl-130 with interior? Or maybe a gta yacht

    8.2 years ago