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Fictional Warplane Challenge Winners!

23.1k BobTheTitanSP  8.2 years ago

Here are the Winners of the Fictional Warplane Challenge:

1st Place (10 upvotes): DeezDucks with his Mitshubishi A8H3-G Haruka. It's an amazing fighter with excellent maneuverability and speed. It would be a formidable opponent if it was used in real life.

2nd place(5 upvotes): A5mod3us with his PB-121-B Cormorant. This is light bomber is a great build. I could tell that a lot of time an effort was put into making this plane. It was really fun bombing the bridges with this awesome build.

3rd place (3 upvotes): MediocrePlanes with his Ahiru J3. This well-armed fighter is very detailed and very fun to fly.

I would like to thank everyone who joined the challenge! I had a very fun time flying all your submissions and judging them! This was a fun challenge to judge and I'm happy that a lot of you submitted great entries. I'll post a link to the challenge in the comments. Stay tuned for my next challenge and remember: No one is a loser!
Happy Flying Everyone!