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im new to modding and could use some help

141 DuhNinju  8.3 years ago

so i was modding the Blade T2k and i was trying to make it effective as a helicopter rotor so i changed the diameter and upped the max rpm but it still turns slow, is giant and seems to only have the power of the original might i make the power of the engine greater????

P.S. i am modding on android idk if that will make i difference or not, plz help

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    141 DuhNinju

    @Skua ohh ok

    8.3 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    @DuhNinju it is, I just prefer "xml editing" to "modding" to distinguish it from actual mods made with Unity

    8.3 years ago
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    141 DuhNinju

    @Skua xml editing is just opening the code with a file explorer and changing the code right? cuz thats what i did

    8.3 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    You can change the power through xml edits - and you'll need to if you want to use it as a helicopter rotor - but opening the settings of the prop after that will reset it to the maximum normal amount you can get.

    8.3 years ago
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    49.1k Flightsonic

    Do you mean XML editing

    8.3 years ago