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need help downloading planes

141 DuhNinju  8.3 years ago

hey guys im new to this site but ive had the game on my tablet for awhile and now im interested in downloading planes but due to parental restrictions i can not access the internet on my tablet and im wondering if i can download planes on the computer and transfer them to my tablet.

P.S. when i try to download a plane on my pc it only downloads 6b if you dont know that is a 1000th of a kb and a kb is a 1000th of a mb which is a 1000th of a it only downloaded like one line of code xD so i need a little help

thnx Duh Ninja out

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    141 DuhNinju

    @Skua i am not using an ipad and like i said due to parental restrictions i cannot access the internet and well...there is no ctrl+L on a kindle fire tablet lol and i dont have simple planes on my laptop.

    transferring them will not work either there is an error during the download on my laptop and every single plane i try to download it will "download" instantly and there will only be 6 bytes that downloaded not 6 kb

    if you cannot help its ok ill look for more help xD

    8.3 years ago
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    26.2k Skua

    Plane files are typically only 10kb or so. Rather than downloading them with the download button, though, there's a much easier way: copy the plane's URL, go to the builder in SimplePlanes, and then press ctrl+L.

    As for transferring them: yes, but not if it's an iPad.

    8.3 years ago