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162k spefyjerbf  8.6 years ago

A quick question. How do I make a plane a successor of another plane? Or... Will it automatically happen?

I'm feeling like I want to enter some challenges, so I would like to fully understand the successor function.

Thanks for the help.

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    1,954 icecoldlava

    Not even the cockpit. As long as you download it, save it under a different name, you can swap anything you like

    8.6 years ago
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    8,433 dsr1aviation

    As long as you use the same cockpit they used it will be a successor :)

    8.6 years ago
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    1,164 JolanXBL

    Download their aircraft, delete all of the parts except their cockpit, then build using it. The cockpit retains the previous owner.

    8.6 years ago