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What I’m planning.

3,462 kasachstanball  2 months ago

So first, I’m gonna do the Z-015. It’s gonna be way bigger than the other Zeta planes. And also, 15 is the last number. But, I’ll be making a new generation of planes, or how you call it. It’s basically going to be bigger planes than the planes I’ve build before, like maybe as big as an E-190, or maybe as big as an 737. I’m also gonna try improving my building skills, as it’s been highly requested by people on discord, and yeah. But I might procrastinate it, but let’s hope I’m not gonna do that.

With that being said, Have a nice day!

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    Also, The Z-015 might not be a big aircraft, it might be something completely else. I don’t really know how it will look like yet.

    Pinned 2 months ago