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EURRRIKAAA! I Found out roll tilting plane fix

2,263 AcePilot7777  4 months ago

So the fact that all parts despite wings mostly because not of drag or the "wind" cause it unstable,but by G force and for wings it caused by liftforce.So you must use the right wing for the right position:
P/s:Pls note if I'm wrong
For example main wing,if u put it as the tail it lift force will be at the wrong position,so the wing would still have lift on the one side and affects the physic of the plane,cause it to tilt right or left base on which way u mirror it from.
So here a map for wing parts,also you must connect both side the same :
1:Horizontal Wing/Fuselage/Horizontal Wing
2:Main wing/Structure wing /fuselage/Structure wing/Main Wing
3: Horizontal Wing/Fuselage+Tail Wing/Horizontal Wing
The plane would be taking no tilt problem anymore
Thanks for reading
I just figured it out :vv,so quite an emotion to know it.Hope It help you guys with building complex jet