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The Rise of RMAFA

1,791 TouhouFan11  5 months ago

Previous Episode......

D: Shit I'm hit! EJECTING!

M: what did he said?

F: she has a laser underneath

This is RMAFA part 2

Danish landed inside the forest not knowing what danger is up ahead....

D: where am i?

Someone: who are you?

D: who said that?

Someone: i asked you first

D: well my name is Danish. I just landed here and I'm unarmed

"Someone" appeared
It was a girl. She wears a yellow shirt with black on end of each sleeve and a green skirt with a rose pattern on it: I'm Koishi Komeiji

D: Koishi?

Koishi: yes that's my name. Are you injured?

D: a little bit but that's fine

Koishi: that's not a little bit, i see blood on you feet. Here let me heal you

D: thanks

Koishi: so how you ended up here?

D: I was hit and all my electronics system is damaged and the engine is dead so i had to eject, thats how i ended up here. I've called help and they're on their way

Koishi: who is your help?

D: Aqif

Koishi: Alright, it's done, can you walk?

D: yes i can

Koishi: good. So tell me who shot you down?

D: the 103-KS Mind Reader

Koishi: the 103-K- oh you mean my big sister?


Koishi: yes she's my big sister.

D: Oh... So where do you live?

Koishi: not far from here

D: whar do you mean "not far from here"?

Koishi: you're in Gensokyo. You're battling with 103-KS and not knowing you're actually gone international and reach Japan

D: wow my jet is that fast? Just how far is Malaysia to Japan

Koishi: you're from Malaysia?

D: yyyeeeaaahhh Why'd you ask?

Koishi: nothing

2 minutes later

Koishi: we better get going it's already getting dark here there's so many Youkai in here

D: alright


Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Their still trying to shot down FSU-76 Long Trail but still failing due to how fast the jet was

S: I can't aim at him

F: where is Danish

M: hey focus

R: Marisa try use your Master Spark!


It miss by an inch

R: really?

M: dude he can go 12G turn

R: we're missing him!


They're lost against a hypersonic jet

F: That's it he's gone

M: yeah he's gone back home for now

S: we should head back now

M and R: we can't. Our fuel us low

S: than head back to our airbase

M: alright

R: ok

After landed they're introduce something made in Malaysia

S: this is nasi lemak you can add Fried Chicken to it and sambal for more spiciness

M: can i have a bite?

R: me too

F: yeah sure but it's a spicy

Marisa and Reimu try Nasi lemak

M: it's delicious! I never had one of those in my country... Where's Reimu?

R: this is probably the spicy thing i had ate.....

Everyone except Reimu laughing while Reimu is just trying to stop the hotness on her mouth the end of part 2

Incoming Episode

Aqif = A

A: where is he wait hold on let me just....

D: oh my phone is ringing

A: where in the world is you at?!

D: Palace of the Earth Spirit. Why?

A: where is that?

D: on Youkai Mountain

A: stay there I'm coming for you

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    1,791 TouhouFan11

    @DatMaluchGuy19 and you're accidentally become funny

    5 months ago
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    @TouhouFan11 ... i Wasn't Even Trying To Be "Funny" With That Stupid "Joke" Of Mine...

    5 months ago
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    1,791 TouhouFan11

    @DatMaluchGuy19 bruh...🤣 Bro it's my friends name and you did him dirty 😂

    5 months ago
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    2,199 JSTQ

    @TouhouFan11 You're right. But please guess why I asked you which plane to make next.

    5 months ago
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    1,791 TouhouFan11

    @JSTQ here's the solution

    1: test your aircraft
    2: get a name that suit for the jet for example GRS-79 Super Eagle the owner is Faris
    3: make a good role
    4: Record your aircraft's capabilities to get more information about your aircraft
    5: actually there's no number 5

    For me this is the easiest method to make a good role in such story

    +1 5 months ago
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    2,199 JSTQ

    @TouhouFan11 There is a problem now, which is that I have not yet created the airplane as the protagonist of the story. I cannot assume its actual performance, I have already produced at least two planes that exceed my expectations.

    5 months ago
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    2,199 JSTQ

    @TouhouFan11 This is for sure. My story requires tens of thousands of Chinese, not to mention English. Publishing it all at once may confuse readers. Batch release is inevitable.

    5 months ago
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    1,791 TouhouFan11

    @JSTQ like i did on "Rise of RMAFA" first episode

    +1 5 months ago
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    1,791 TouhouFan11

    @JSTQ instead of making a full version you can make episode to it. Which can actually increase the amount of time people waiting for a new chapter/episode to came out

    +1 5 months ago
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    2,199 JSTQ

    @TouhouFan11 Which one is "it" referring to?

    5 months ago
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    1,791 TouhouFan11

    @JSTQ and make an episode to it too

    +1 5 months ago
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    2,199 JSTQ

    It looks interesting, Maybe I should also write an article next time.

    +2 5 months ago