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The Rise of RMAFA

1,791 TouhouFan11  5 months ago

One day at the RMAFA Base.....

1st Officer: Commander, we have a downside of our aircraft. The downside is that the jet is fuel inefficiencies, the GRS-79 Super Eagle uses so much fuel for it's afterburner making it the mid range fighter. I know that this jet can reach Mach 3 and can chase down the 103-KS Mind Reader. But with low fuel it can only reach until Krakabloa and refuel there

Commander: alright. I'll making a new Blueprint and give it to the owner:

At "Kedai Mamak":

Danish: SOL! There you are!

Sol: what is it?

Danish: I've beaten the boss you struggle with

Sol: YOU DID?!

Danish: Yuh

Sol: Thanks mate it was the hardest boss for me

Sol: tell me how did you beat the boss?

Danish: uhh i forgot

Sol: you just like me always forget anything

Danish: maybe were siblings?

Sol: oh hell nah

At the airbase:

Faris: Min come here for a sec

Min: hmm? alright...

Faris: did you see what I see?

Min: uhhh 4 dots?

Faris: what are they doing here?

Min: I don't know don't ask me...

Faris: i'm gonna call Sol and Danish

While in the phone call:

Faris: bro come here asap

Sol and Danish: why?

Faris: just come here

Danish: alright

Sol: on the way

Phone call ended

12 minutes later

Sol and Danish arrive with a confusion...

Sol: now... Why did you called us in the hurry?

Danish: I almost got scared when the Kerosene was played while he was driving...

Sol: it was a coincidence dude at least i changed it to Last Remote Touhou Theme...

Danish: yeah he did anyways you called us you better give me the reason

Faris: done chit chat now? Nevermind alright me and Min was working on our jet and I noticed the 4 dots flying. I don't know what it was maybe friendly or enemy

Sol: should we go check it out?

Danish and Faris: yeah sure

S: Solihin
D: Danish
F: Faris
M: Marisa Kirisame
R: Reimu Hakurei

Unexpectedly it was Marisa Kirisame and Reimu Hakurei entering RMAFA Airspace

S: this is RMAFA ordering you to land on our airbase as soon as possible

D: that jet is amazingly nice with some futuristic weapons

F: agreed

M: thanks

R: we heard that, but we're on the mission we're trying to find 103-KS Mind Reader or Black Rose. We need to find her before she cause any trouble and probably destroying your airbase

S: we're just detected 2 dots and probably it was y-

1 jet flew past them at supersonic speed

D and F: the hell is that??

S: I don't know!

R and M: me either....

M: wait...It's her, the Black Rose, the infamous 3 eyed youkai Komeiji Satori.

Faris: wait didn't I said 4 dots? Wheres the other 1

S:"dude I've got readings from another aircraft! it's says here it's a fighter jet but unknown specification whether it's big or small"

1 more jet flew past them in Hypersonic Speed

F: "it's him the Anonymous Person FSU-76 Long Trail"

R: "both of them got to be most intimidating fighter jet I've ever seen.

D: I agree

S and R: we need to Partner Up in order to stop them!

F,D and M: understood!

2 chase the FSU-76 Long Trail and 3 Chase the 103-KS

Reimu: That aircraft's flying is unreal, like it's defying physics! I can't even aim my missiles at it!

Danish: where is she now????

Faris: I lost contact of the jet


103-KS use it's missile (it was hypersonic anti air missile)

Danish: SHIT! Im hit! EJECTING!

Faris: after land stay there and get down nish


Faris: What?!

Reimu: what he said?

Faris: she has a laser underneath

Reimu: don't get on her line of sight


Sol: shit I'm out of Ammunition

Marisa: It's ok go back to your airbase

Sol: alright

Part 2 coming soon