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Progress Fokker 70 KLM

20.9k Gro  9 months ago

Grogress is coming along nicely.
It will get an interior, detailing of it will depend on the partcount after i finish the aircraft model which currently is around 750

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    20.9k Gro

    @CorporalWojak thank you lol

    +1 8 months ago
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    you have one of the prettiest cat ever

    8 months ago
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    20.9k Gro

    @Pan .... thats a shame

    9 months ago
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    55.9k Pan

    @Gro both of them are dead

    9 months ago
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    20.9k Gro

    @LM0418 thwnksss

    9 months ago
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    20.9k Gro

    @Pan i couldv3 been your granddad

    9 months ago
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    55.9k Pan

    t i love you gro

    9 months ago
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    20.5k LM0418

    LOOKS 🔥 BRO!! T!!

    9 months ago
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    16.2k JP11

    @Gro damn

    9 months ago
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    6,401 Sense2

    fokker? more like fu-

    9 months ago
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    20.9k Gro

    @JP11 scheiße

    9 months ago
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    20.9k Gro

    @TheCommentaryGuy what dies it mean

    9 months ago
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    20.9k Gro

    @ReturnOfJeffChandler you're beautiful

    9 months ago
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    16.2k JP11

    ich freue mich darauf! T

    9 months ago
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    27.3k 126


    +1 9 months ago
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    34.5k Marulk


    +1 9 months ago
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    32.6k CaptainNoble


    +1 9 months ago
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    4,826 OpenHere

    It’s beautiful

    +1 9 months ago
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    +1 9 months ago
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    mamburbee garbal garbal

    9 months ago